How do I implement a MongoDB Bson formatter in Web API 2?

Adrian Rosca

I have a Web API 2 project and my WebApiConfig looks like this:

public static class WebApiConfig
    public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)

            .Add(new MediaTypeHeaderValue("text/html"));

This works fine, but I want the json to be parsed 'Mongo DB style' so automatically get serialization of ObjectIDs, so I can use attributes like [BsonElement("name")] on properties in my model classes and so on.

I looked around and found this article but it seems a bit outdated and I cannot get it to work.

I'm pretty stuck for the moment, help much appreciated.


You need to implement and register a custom media formatter. Basically, you need to do this:

  • derive a class from MediaTypeFormatter (asynchronous read/write implementation) or BufferedMediaTypeFormatter (synchronous read/write implemetation)
    • declare the supported MIME type for BSON format in the class constructor
    • implement CanWriteType + WriteToStream and/or CanreadType + ReadFromStream
  • register the media formatter class in Web API configuration

Take into account that the formatter will be used:

  • to parse the received data, when the media format is specified in Content-Type header (this is the Read part of your implementation)
  • to serialize the returned object when the media format is specified with Accept header (this is the write part of your implementation)

You can have a look at these samples, or google for "Web API custom media formatters" to get more info and samples:

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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