Split a column in a text file


I have a system which generates 3 text (.txt) files on a daily basis, with 1000's of entries within each.

Once the text files are generated we run a vbscript (below) that modifies the files by entering data at specific column positions.

I now need this vbscript to do an additional task which is to separate a column in one of the text files.

So for example the TR201501554s.txt file looks like this:

6876786786  GFS8978976        I
6786786767  DDF78676          I
4343245443  SBSSK67676        I
8393372263  SBSSK56565        I
6545434347  DDF7878333        I
6757650000  SBSSK453          I

With the additional task of seperating the column, data will now look like this, with the column seperated at a specific position.

6876786786  GFS    8978976      I
6786786767  DDF    78676        I
4343245443  SBSSK  67676        I
8393372263  SBSSK  56565        I
6545434347  DDF    7878333      I
6757650000  SBSSK  453          I

I was thinking maybe I could add another "case" to accomplish this with maybe using a "regex" pattern, since the pattern would be only 3 companies to find (DDF, GFS and SBSSK).

But after looking at many examples, I am not really sure where to start.

Could someone let me know how to accomplish this additional task in our vbscript (below)?

Option Explicit
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2

Dim objFSO, pFolder, cFile, objWFSO, objFileInput, objFileOutput,strLine
Dim strInputPath, strOutputPath , sName, sExtension
Dim strSourceFileComplete, strTargetFileComplete, objSourceFile, objTargetFile
Dim iPos, rChar
Dim fileMatch

'folder paths
strInputPath = "C:\Scripts\Test"
strOutputPath = "C:\Scripts\Test"

'Create the filesystem object
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Get a reference to the processing folder
Set pFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strInputPath)

'loop through the folder and get the file names to be processed
For Each cFile In pFolder.Files
ProcessAFile cFile

Sub ProcessAFile(objFile)
fileMatch = false

Select Case Left(objFile.Name,2)
    Case "MV"
        iPos = 257
        rChar = "YES"
        fileMatch = true
    Case "CA"
        iPos = 45
        rChar = "OCCUPIED"
        fileMatch = true
    Case "TR"
        iPos = 162
        rChar = "EUR"
        fileMatch = true
End Select

If fileMatch = true Then

    Set objWFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objFileInput = objWFSO.OpenTextFile(objFile.Path, ForReading)
    strSourceFileComplete = objFile.Path
    sExtension = objWFSO.GetExtensionName(objFile.Name)
    sName = Replace(objFile.Name, "." & sExtension, "")

    strTargetFileComplete = strOutputPath & "\" & sName & "_mod." & sExtension
    Set objFileOutput = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strTargetFileComplete, ForWriting, True) 

        Do While Not objFileInput.AtEndOfStream
        strLine = objFileInput.ReadLine
        If Len(strLine) >= iPos Then
            objFileOutput.WriteLine(Left(strLine,iPos-1) & rChar)
        End If

    Set objFileInput = Nothing
    Set objFileOutput = Nothing

    Set objSourceFile = objWFSO.GetFile(strSourceFileComplete)
    Set objSourceFile = Nothing

    Set objTargetFile = objWFSO.GetFile(strTargetFileComplete)
    objTargetFile.Move strSourceFileComplete    
    Set objTargetFile = Nothing
    Set objWFSO = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Ansgar Wiechers

You could add a regular expression replacement to your input processing loop. Since you want to re-format the columns I'd do it with a replacement function. Define both the regular expression and the function in the global scope:

Set pFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strInputPath)

Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = "  ([A-Z]+)(\d+)( +)"

Function ReFormatCol(m, g1, g2, g3, p, s)
  ReFormatCol = Left("  " & Left(g1 & "    ", 7) & g2 & g3, Len(m)+2)
End Function

'loop through the folder and get the file names to be processed
For Each cFile In pFolder.Files

and modify the input processing loop like this:

Do While Not objFileInput.AtEndOfStream
  strLine = re.Replace(objFileInput.ReadLine, GetRef("ReFormatCol"))
  If Len(strLine) >= iPos Then
    objFileOutput.WriteLine(Left(strLine,iPos-1) & rChar)
  End If

Note that you may need to change your iPos values, since splitting and re-formatting the columns increases the length of the lines by 2 characters.

The callback function ReFormatCol has the following (required) parameters:

  • m: the match of the regular expression (used to determine the length of the match)
  • g1, g2, g3: the three groups from the expression
  • p: the starting position of the match in the source string (but not used here)
  • s: the source string (but not used here)

The function constructs the replacement for the match from the 3 groups like this:

  • Left(g1 & " ", 7) appends 4 spaces to the first group (e.g. GFS) and trims it to 7 characters. This is based on the assumption that the first group will always be 3-5 characters long.
  • " " & ... & g2 & g3 prepends the result of the above operation with 2 spaces and appends the other 2 groups (8978976 &         ).
      GFS    8978976        
  • Left(..., Len(m)+2) then trims the result string to the length of the original match plus 2 characters (to account for the additional 2 spaces inserted to separate the new second column from the former second, now third, column).
      GFS    8978976      

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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