Uploading multiple images in webservice using PHP


I am new to webservice using PHP for Android device. I need to work on multiple image upload concept. Please suggest. I have implemented single upload concept the code for single file upload is given below.

$data = $_REQUEST;
            $filename = md5(time()).'.jpg';
            $binary = base64_decode($base);         
            $pathtoupload = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_clinchproperties/galupload/';
            //header('Content-Type: bitmap; charset=utf-8');  // binary, utf-8 bytes
            $actual_image_name = time().".jpg";
            $image = $filename;
            $file = fopen($pathtoupload.$filename,  'wb');
            fwrite($file, $binary);

I need code to upload n number of images at same time. Can any one help me with it? Thanks in advance.

Ravi Dhoriya ツ

You have to pass array of files. As you mentioned in comment, you are sending file data in base64 format, try following code for PHP.


  $data = $_REQUEST;
    foreach($data["prop_images"] as $img){ //array of images. So loop for every images
        $filename = md5(time()).'.jpg';
        $binary = base64_decode($base);         
        $pathtoupload = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_clinchproperties/galupload/';
        $actual_image_name = time().".jpg";
        $image = $filename;
        $file = fopen($pathtoupload.$filename,  'wb');
        fwrite($file, $binary);

In android code, make sure to add [] in parameter name while making POST request. That parameter should be prop_images[] as per example I given above.

I'm not an Android developer, but I can post code from our Android developer.


HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();

HttpPost postRequest = new HttpPost("http://webserver.com/path/to/webservice.php");

MultipartEntity reqEntity = new MultipartEntity(HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE);

for (int i = 0; i < number_of_images; i++) {
    //convert your images to base64 and store in base64ImageData.
    reqEntity.addPart("prop_images[]", base64ImageData);   //adding parameter

//execute request.

Collected from the Internet

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