Java8: Reduce list of elements like sql group by


After a stream().filter().map() on a List I have a data structure of type List<List<Object>> that looks like this:


What I want is to group by the value of the first element of the inner list, leave the middle element out and finally sum the last elements for each "group".

[["1", 30],
 ["2", 40]]

Sorry if this is obvious for some of you, but I have yet to find any example of how to achieve this. I assumed it could be done by Stream.reduce(U identity, BiFunction accumulator, BinaryOperator combiner) but so far I haven't succeeded. If someone could provide some example code for this, I believe it would be appreciated by many others too.


The following code may be of help:

List<List<Object>> originalList = Arrays.asList(
        Arrays.asList("1", "a", 20),
        Arrays.asList("1", "b", 10),
        Arrays.asList("2", "a", 10),
        Arrays.asList("2", "b", 30)

final Map<Object, Integer> collectedMap =
                        e -> e.get(0),
                        Collectors.summingInt(e -> (Integer) e.get(2))));


The output is:

{1=30, 2=40}

Basically, what the code does is to group by the first value in the sublist (get(0)). Then it sums the integers by the use of summingInt. However, it groups the entire thing in a Map - if some other collection is required the stream must be slightly changed.

E.g. to collect the whole thing as a List:

final List<List<Object>> collectedList =
             .map(e -> Arrays.asList(e.getKey(), e.getValue()))


Then, the output will be:

[[1, 30], [2, 40]]

Collected from the Internet

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