Async and a single instance class working with Models


I am using a WebApi delegating handler to forward requests to another server.

protected override async System.Threading.Tasks.Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    string requestContent = string.Empty;
    UriBuilder forwardUri = new UriBuilder(request.RequestUri);
    //remove the proxy port and replace with an Http port
    forwardUri.Port = 1900;
    //send it on to the requested URL
    request.RequestUri = forwardUri.Uri;
    HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
    if (request.Method == HttpMethod.Get)
        request.Content = null;
        var response = await client.SendAsync(request, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead);
        if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
        return response;
    catch (Exception ex)
        return ManageOfflineRequests(request);

Everything works fine, but I am pseudo caching some data on the ManageOnlineRequests. For that purpose I am using a single instance class that contains a representation of the models I want to keep, so that I can mock the response and return those when in offline mode ManageOfflineRequests.

The question I have is : Since this is a Async method that contains a await inside, is there any potential issues accessing the lists I have inside singleton class called by the ManageOnlineRequests and ManageofflineRequests?



As Yuval said, this is unrelated to async-await. If you plan on using these lists concurrently you need to make sure they are thread-safe.

Now, the simplest option is to use a lock, however if you are using List<T> specifically it's guaranteed to be thread-safe as long as you are only reading from it and not updating it concurrently:

It is safe to perform multiple read operations on a List, but issues can occur if the collection is modified while it’s being read

From List Class

A better solution would be to use the ImmutableList<T> out of Microsoft.Bcl.Immutable which is guaranteed to be thread-safe since it's immutable.

Collected from the Internet

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