bash -c in subshell gives EOF parsing error


Why does the following script work as expected (prints hello)


foo=$(bash -c 'echo hello')
echo $foo

while this script:


cmd="bash -c 'echo hello'"
echo $foo

gives the following error:

hello': -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
hello': -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
Stéphane Chazelas


cmd="bash -c 'echo hello'"

You're not running the bash -c 'echo hello' command, you're running the $cmd simple command.

That unquoted $cmd means invoking the split+glob operator. Here, with the default value of $IFS, the content of $cmd is split into bash, -c, 'echo and hello'. So, you're running bash with those 4 arguments, it's as if you had typed:

bash -c "'echo" "hello'"

And that 'echo code has a missing closing quote (the hello' argument goes into the $0 of that inline script).

If you want to evaluate the content of $cmd as shell code, it's

eval "$cmd"


cmd="bash -c 'echo hello'"
foo=$(eval "$cmd")
echo "$foo"

Though you could also use your split+glob operator differently:

cmd='bash,-c,echo hello'
IFS=, # split on comma
set -f # disable glob
echo "$foo"

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