Execute two commands if the first one fails


I am writing a script.sh like:

ls a || ls > /dev/null || echo "both command fails"; exit 3
echo 5 # not showed up

I hope the exit 3 be only executed when both command1 and command2 failed. But it seems that even if ls > /dev/null is ok, the exit 3 still fired thus makes echo 5 never showed up.

Anything I can do to fix this?

Thomas Erker

The problem is that || binds tighter than ;, so your first line consists of two commands: the first is a compound command: ls || ls || echo and the second is just exit 3. As mentioned in a comment by meuh, you should write

ls a || ls > /dev/null || { echo "both command fails"; exit 3; }
echo 5 # not showed up

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