sed throwing sed: -e expression #(number), char (number): unknown command: `(letter)'


I wrote a shell script which reads some files and copy all the data from these files to other consolidated file.

This happens multiple times and previously copied data will not be copied again. For this i am saving the last copied line in a separate file and comparing it from the second time.

Flow of logic :

  • For the first time, read individual files and copy the whole data except last line into the consolidated file. Saving the last copied line into a temporary file.

sed '$d' $file >> $consolidatedCSVFile

tail -2 $file | head -1 > $consolidatedCSVFile$lastLines/$(basename $file)$lastLine

  • From second time, read last line from the temporary file and search for that line in individual file. When found, take all the lines from the next line and append to consolidated file.

Full script:



curdate=$(date +%s)




# Returns 1 if Consolidated file is empty
[ -s $consolidatedCSVFile  ]
if [ $? == 1  ]
        mkdir $consolidatedCSVFile$lastLines


if [ $endTime -ge $curdate  ]

for file in $CSVFiles
if $newMerge ;
        touch $consolidatedCSVFile$1astLines5(basename $file)$lastLine
        sed $d $file >> $consolidatedCSVFile
        tail -2 $file | head -1 >   $consolidatedCSVFile$1astLines5(basename $file)$lastLine
        availableLastLine="`cat $consolidatedCSVFile$1astLines/$(basename $file)$lastLine`"
        if $testInProcess
                sed '1,/^'"$availableLastLine"'$/d' $file | sed '$d' >> $consolidatedCSVFile
                tail -2 $file | head -1 > $consolidatedCSVFile$1astLines5(basename $file)$lastLine
                sed '1,/^'"$availableLastLine"'$/d' $file >> $consolidatedCSVFile


if  !  $testInProcess ;
    rm -rf $consolidatedCSVFile$lastLines

Sometimes, i get error as sed: -e expression #1, char 26: unknown command: 'X'

My guess

I am trying to combine the files generated by JMeter. Sometimes, the files are generating data like 1439459065780,5,SOAP/XML-RPC Request,200,OK,ws test 1-3,text,true,267,3,3,5

I think the problem is while sed '1,/^'"$availableLastLine"'$/d' $file | sed '$d' >> $consolidatedCSVFile at SOAP/XML. Slash(/) could be problem here.


worked after modifying availableLastLine to availableLastLine=$(sed 's/\//\\\//' $consolidatedCSVFile$lastLines/$(basename $file)$lastLine).

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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From Dev

sed throwing sed: -e expression #(number), char (number): unknown command: `(letter)'

From Dev

sed: -e expression #1, char 4: unknown command:

From Dev

sed: -e expression #1, char 1: unknown command: `''

From Dev

sed: -e expression #1, char 1: unknown command: '|'

From Dev

bash sed: -e expression #1, char 21: number option to `s' command may not be zero

From Dev

`sed: -e expression #1, char 4: unknown command:` but the line endings are fine

From Dev

sed: -e expression #1, char 23: unknown option to `s'

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/bin/sed: -e expression #1, char 56: unknown option to `s'

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sed: -e expression #3, char 59: unknown option to `s'

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bash - sed: -e expression #1, char 15: unterminated `s' command

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sed: -e expression #1, char 35: unterminated `s' command

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sed: -e expression #1, char 37: unterminated `s' command

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sed: -e expression #1, char 10: missing command

From Dev

sed: -e expression #1, char 10: extra characters after command

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sed: -e expression #1, char XX: unterminated `s' command

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sed: -e expression #1, char 5: unterminated `s' command

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