Execute command to remote server via SSH after exporting variable


I have two machines, A and B. I need to execute a script which is located in B by SSHing there from A.

In order for the script to run I also need to export a variable. If I just SSH and export the variable and then try again to SSH and execute the script, the variable is no longer available.

Is there a way to export the variable and make it available in the same session with the script?

I was hoping for something like this (but it doesn't work):

ssh root@B export PATH=$PATH:/add/stuff/here && runScript.sh

Even if I do the following, the path isn't updated:

ssh root@B export PATH=$PATH:/add/stuff/here && echo $PATH

You're slightly wrong in passing the third argument. In the command you've provided you pass instructions as many arguments, and, additionally, you echo local $PATH. You must pass the whole command as one argument, in single quotes.

Instead of

ssh root@B export PATH=$PATH:/add/stuff/here && echo $PATH

Which is:

(ssh + root@B + export + PATH=...) && (echo + $PATH)

You should do:

ssh root@B 'export PATH="$PATH:/add/stuff/here" && echo $PATH'

Which is:

ssh + root@B + '(export + PATH=..) && (echo $PATH)'

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