Postfix error: Host or domain name not found


I am using Raspbian and the Postfix (version 2.9.6) service seems to be automatically run when I boot, but if I want to send a mail, the email stays in the queue:

$ mailq
26CB72201F    443 Sat Sep 19 19:44:17   [email protected]
(Host or domain name not found. Name service error for type=A: Host not found, try again)
                                        [email protected]

If I restart the service (sudo service postfix restart) then emails work until the next boot.

Why? What is the difference?

During the Postfix installation I chose the configuration “Internet with smarthost” but then I followed a tutorial for …Internet Site” to finish the configuration so this might be the problem(?) I just want to send emails.

UPDATE: The problem might be that that Postfix is run before the Wi-Fi is connected.


The problem is that Postfix checks /etc/resolv.conf before the WiFi is connected. Therefore, /var/spool/etc/postfix/resolv.conf stays empty after the boot and mails cannot be sent.

To solve the problem, I disabled postfix service:

sudo update-rc.d postfix disable

…and I wrote this script to wait the end of the Wi-Fi connection before to start Postfix (saved in /usr/local/bin/



until nc $host $port -w 5
    sleep 10

sudo service postfix start
exit 0

…and I added this line to /etc/rc.local so that the script is run at boot:

/usr/local/bin/ &

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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