Do application installers set folder permissions? Or is it up to Windows?


Before anyone asks, yes I'm still running Photoshop CS2, it does the job ;-)

I installed Photoshop CS2 as Administrator. I then copied some plug-ins into Photoshop's plug-ins folder. I did not get the expected UAC elevation prompt; the plug-ins just copied over. Weird. So I looked at the folder permissions and found something very odd.

The Adobe folder has permissions I'm used to seeing (they're just inherited from parent). But all the sub-folders got sweeping permissions that allow all users full control. What caused this? Is it by design of the Photoshop installer, or did Windows do some kind of silent "compatibility" tweak because it knows CS2 is old and somewhat non-compliant?

Permissions on the Adobe folder: enter image description here

Permissions on the sub-folders Screenshot 2

Jamie Hanrahan

It was probably the Photoshop installer. Windows does do a few things to help older apps run, but I've never heard of this.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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