Powershell script for comparing two directories based on file names only


I have two disks which has the same directory structure. C:\Files and D:\Files

Both C:\Files and D:\Files have multiple directories under them but have the same name etc, but the files inside them differ in extension. In C:\Files they are *.csv and in D:\Files, a process monitors the files (copied from C:\) and once it is done changes the files to *.processed.

I want a script that would do that copy. I.e copy files from C:\Files to D:\Files which have not been processed by comparing only the file names.

Bill Dinger

You want something like this. The property you want to compare on is called BaseName which powershell helpfully adds for you to the IO.FileSystemInfo class (FileInfo.BaseName exists in PowerShell but not in straight .NET). BaseName is just the name of the file, and doesn't contain any of the extensions that you don't care about.

$sourceFiles = Get-ChildItem C:\files -Recurse -File -Filter "*.csv"
$destinationFiles = Get-ChildItem D:\files -Recurse -File 

foreach($sourceFile in $sourceFiles) {
  $exists = $destinationFiles | Where-Object {$_.BaseName -eq $sourceFile.BaseName}
  if(!$exists) {
    Copy-Item $sourceFile.fullname -Destination "D:\Files\$($sourceFile.BaseName)"

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Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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