Select rows with show flag but based on another table

John Mark

Can someone help me about this problem.

I have 2 tables:

SAVED_tasks (id, task_id) 
  • table where i save tasks..

I need to show all tasks but NOT if the task have value is 1 and if is already inserted in SAVED_tasks table..



id, name, once
1, task1, 0
2, task2, 1
3, task3, 0
4, task4, 1


id, task_id
1, 1
2, 2
3, 3
4, 4

I need result:

1, task1
3, task3
Saharsh Shah

Try this:

SELECT, t.once
LEFT JOIN SAVED_tasks st ON = st.task_id 
WHERE (t.once != 1 OR (t.once = 1 AND IS NULL));


SELECT, t.once
LEFT JOIN SAVED_tasks st ON = st.task_id 
WHERE NOT(t.once = 1 AND IS NULL);

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