My first DART polymer project: No execution / testing possible, nothing works?

Tina Hildebrandt

I have created a polymer project. It generates a default app which reverses text entered into an input field. This works.

Then I tried to add a core-header-panel. I copied the code from the description page into the index.html file of the project:

<body unresolved fullbleed layout vertical>
  <core-header-panel flex>
      <div>Hello World!</div>


  <script type="application/dart">export 'package:polymer/init.dart';</script>

This gets me 3 warnings on the displayed web page. Two say:

Custom element found in document body without an "unresolved" attribute on it or one of its parents.

I have inserted an unresolved attribute after the body tag. I do not understand why the error does not go away.

The third messages is:

custom element with name core-toolbar not found

I added a line

<link rel="import" href="packages/core_elements/core_toolbar.html">

but the error message did not go away.

Finally I outcommented the complete core-header-panel and nevertheless the page in Dartium still shows "Hello world" and all the error messages.

I'm lost here. The DART editor / Dartium "development system" seems to be useless. I can not even test the simplest things. What am I doing wrong? How do you work with this system???

BTW: I get exactly the same behaviour when I try to run this as Javascript in Firefox browser ...

Tina Hildebrandt

Meanwhile I found a solution by accident. The problem was that whatever I changed in the sources the DART editor always transfered the initial errornous file to the browser, or at least this is what it looks like.

The problem disappeared when I switched to another polymer project which I had used as an initial tutorial project, run that one and went back to the above project. Suddenly the browsers were able to display the changed files.

Looks for me like an ugly bug in the DART editor.

Collected from the Internet

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