Meteor and AngularJS reactive subscriptions

Flavien Volken

I've a publication which relies on a client's parameter. Therefore, while subscribing from the client I need to send this parameter to the server. I'm using the angular-meteor package and found the $subscribe wrapper. The usage is as follow: $subscribe.subscribe(name, publisherArguments) I am trying to pass dynamic $scope values to the subscription but it does not seems to work. For example the following example never alerts "You subscribed !"

         alert("You subscribed !");

assuming the server side looks like this

  Meteor.publish("aPublication", function (parameter) {
    ACollection.find({'aProperty':'parameter'}) });

What should I do to make the $scope.parameter works the same way as if I was using Session.get('parameter') ?


@Flavien Volken, that's a really nice solution but in our new 0.6.0 version you can also do it with a solution a bit more similar to the Meteor way using scope.getReactively -

So in your solution:

$meteorUtils.autorun($scope, function() {      
                                  alert("You subscribed !");

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