Copy constructor traverse through linked list. implementation

monkey doodle

I am attempting to copy the entire linked list in my copy constructor, however I continue to get access Why isn't my copy construction working properly? errors:

Unhandled exception at 0x00AE506C in program.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000004.

copy constructor

NodeSLList::NodeSLList(NodeSLList & list)
    head = list.head;
    IntNode *tmp = head;
    cout << "copy constructor called" << endl;

    int size;
    size = list.GetSize();

    for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++)
        tmp->data= list.RetrieveNode(i).data;
        tmp->next = list.RetrieveNode(i).next;
        tmp = tmp->next;

in main

NodeSLList list2 (list1);
cout << "cout << list2 " << endl;
cout << list2 << endl;

The error occurs at cout << list2 << endl; since the cop constructor did not properly copy the linked list.


One problem is this:

head = list.head;
IntNode *tmp = head;

You should not be copying pointer values. You will wind up with two pointers pointing to the same memory. Both objects should have different head values.

If you have a function that adds a node to your linked list, then you can use it in the copy constructor to avoid this. Here is an example:

NodeSLList::NodeSLList(const NodeSLList & list) : head(0)
    int size;
    size = list.GetSize();
    for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++)

This requires that you have a function similar to addData that adds a new node using the data passed in. Note that this tests your addData function to ensure it works properly. The copy constructor just calls it in a loop.

Finally, you also need an assignment operator to go along with the copy constructor (and also a destructor). The assignment operator can be written using the copy constructor and destructor as helper functions (i.e. the copy/swap idiom).

Collected from the Internet

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