Need query for SQL Server


I have 2 tables:


UserID(int)   Username   Password   PagesID(varchar(50))
  1            admin       123       1,2,3,4
  2             user       456       1,3


PageID(int)       PageURL         PageTitle
   1           article.aspx        Articles
   2            News.aspx           News
   3           reports.aspx         Reports
   4            Users.aspx          Users

I want to get user., pageURL and PageTitle from pages and Users tables.

I need query same it + user info: (this query returns column without rows.)

select p.PageURL 
from Pages p
where CONVERT(Varchar(50), p.PageID) in (select u.PagesID 
                                         from Users u
                                         where u.ID = 1)
Gordon Linoff

You have a very poor data structure. SQL has a great method for storing lists of things -- it is called a table, not a string. You should have a junction table, with one row per user and per article. So, in UserPages, there would be four rows for the first user.

Sometimes, we are stuck with data that we have no ability to change. If that is the case, you can do what you want, but it is inefficient. Here is one way:

select u.UserId, p.*
from users u join
     pages p
     on ',' + u.PagesId + ',' like '%,' + cast(p.pageId as varchar(255)) + ',%';

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