How to parse out the value of several attributes on different elements with xmllint/xpath?

Claus Jørgensen

For a given xml file called configurations.xml I would like to extract the value of each conf element, and store it in a variable for later use.

  <conf name="bob"/>
  <conf name="alice"/>
  <conf name="ted"/>
  <conf name="carol"/>

The expected output is:


I have xpath and xmllint available. A xpath of //conf/@name gets the nodes, but outputs as name="bob", which is what I'm trying to avoid.


I don't know how to achieve what you're trying to achieve with xmllint only.

Since you have xpath installed, you have Perl's XML::XPath too. So a little bit of Perl:


use XML::Path;

my $xp=XML::XPath->new(filename => 'configurations.xml');

my $nodeset=$xp->find('//conf/@name');
foreach my $node ($nodeset->get_nodelist) {
    print $node->getNodeValue,"\0";

will output what you want, separated with a nil character.

In a one-liner style:

perl -mXML::XPath -e 'foreach $n (XML::XPath->new(filename => "configurations.xml")->find("//conf/\@name")->get_nodelist) { print $n->getNodeValue,"\0"; }'

To retrieve them in, e.g., a Bash array:


while IFS= read -r -d '' n; do
    names+=( "$n" )
done < <(
    perl -mXML::XPath -e 'foreach $n (XML::XPath->new(filename => "configurations.xml")->find("//conf/\@name")->get_nodelist) { print $n->getNodeValue,"\0" }'
# See what's in your array:
display -p names

Note that at this point you have the option of turning to Perl and drop Bash completely to solve your problem.

Collected from the Internet

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