How to create Multiple bot log-in in one page using VBS

pintagos sogatinp

Need assistance on how to create multiple bot log-in using vbs in one webpage only.

For single bot log-in below is what I have tried- can someone edit this to create multiple?

Thanks in advance!

Set a = createobject ("") ""
wscript.sleep (5000)
a.sendkeys ("username")
a.sendkeys chr (9)
wscript.sleep (2000)
a.sendkeys ("password")
a.sendkeys "{Enter}"
call msgbox ("Finished")

=this only launches 1 login :(


You can use for loop for multiple log-in and use array value for username and pwd.

Dim uname(5) 'assign user name value to array element 0 to 5
Dim pwd(5)  'assign password value to array element 0 to 5   

Set a = createobject ("")
For i=0 to 5 step 1 ""
wscript.sleep (5000)
a.sendkeys uname(i)
a.sendkeys chr (9)
wscript.sleep (2000)
a.sendkeys pwd(i)
a.sendkeys "{Enter}"
call msgbox ("Finished")

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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