extract string using ruby regex


I have a string as

"The Fashion Project - The Project of Fashion-Technology and Science-institute"

I need to extract the strings as project name and its description so that it returns an array . So the output should be

array[0] = "The Fashion Project"
array[1] = "The Project of Fashion-Technology and Science-institute"

I tried it with split method but the array[1] returned "The Project of Fashion" I tried it as

"The Fashion Project - The Project of Fashion-Technology and Science-institute".split('-')

You can try this also

2.1.2 :007 > s = "The Fashion Project - The Project of Fashion-Technology and Science-institute"
 => "The Fashion Project - The Project of Fashion-Technology and Science-institute" 
2.1.2 :008 > s.split(/\s[-\b]\s/)
 => ["The Fashion Project", "The Project of Fashion-Technology and Science-institute"] 
2.1.2 :009 >

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