Passing values to an function


I am missing a fundamental point on passing values.

In my code, I wrote this prototype/function:

void drawFont (char A[],unsigned char length, char x1, char y1, uint16 FGcolor);

I call the function using a call like this:

drawFont ("William",7,15,25,YEL,0);


drawFont ("W",1,15,25,YEL,0);

Both of these work fine in the code. If I examine A[0] in the function, I will see a value of '57' representing an ASCII 'W'. All fine and good.

My question/problem is: When I attempt to replicate the 'W' using the ASCII value instead of the string representation, my code fails Example:

drawFont (57,1,15,25,YEL,0);

The value of A[0] in the code is: 0, but the address of A is 57. So somehow the compiler assumes that I want to pass a pointer? I'm confused, why did it pass the string fine, but not the value?

Thanks in advance from a novice C programmer.

Mark Tolonen

The prototype for your function declares that the first parameter is a pointer to a character:

void drawFont (char A[],...);

If you pass an integer, you are breaking the rules. The compiler should warn about it. Mine gives a warning about the following code on the line with func(57):

void func(char a[])

char arr[] = {87,84,70};

int main()
x.c(9) : warning C4047: 'function' : 'char *' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'
x.c(9) : warning C4024: 'func' : different types for formal and actual parameter 1

If you look at the assembly output from the compiler, you can see the problem more clearly (I cut out the uninteresting parts):

PUBLIC  _arr
_arr    DB      057H                ;Here's the char array at an address in memory.
        DB      054H
        DB      046H
        ORG $+1
$SG1297 DB      'W', 00H   ;Here's the "W" at an address in memory (nul-terminated)

; 9    :     func(57);

  00003 6a 39            push    57                  ; Push 57 as the address, WRONG!
  00005 e8 00 00 00 00   call    _func
  0000a 83 c4 04         add     esp, 4

; 10   :     func("W");

  0000d 68 00 00 00 00   push    OFFSET $SG1297      ; Push the address of the string.
  00012 e8 00 00 00 00   call    _func
  00017 83 c4 04         add     esp, 4

; 11   :     func(arr);

  0001a 68 00 00 00 00   push    OFFSET _arr         ; Push the address of the array.
  0001f e8 00 00 00 00   call    _func
  00024 83 c4 04         add     esp, 4

The code is expecting to go to an address to read characters. Who knows what is in address 57.

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