compare char with int in loop


my program is taking an argument which says how many prints that should be used. example of arguments: prints 2. I then want to loop through the value after prints, the number 2. and then print that many times. I tried like this:

for(i = 0; i < argv[2]; i++)

The problem is that argv is a char and i is an int. So when I run this loop, argv[2] aquire the value: 123123123 or something, instead of just 2. Is there any way around this or to compare the value in a char with an int. Thanks in advance


argv[2] is a char* not a char. argv[2] points to a string( array of null terminated characters ). When you pass an arguments to you program, the argument is in that form.

You will have to convert it, you can use atoi() ;

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