Why does my CSS continue to search for code in .less files?


I'm working on an application and styling it right now, however occasionally when I save my style.css file (my temporary change stylesheet before changing it to LESS) I get some messed up elements that were fine before I reuploaded. I made no changes to those elements and I'm 100% sure it's not my CSS, it's also not my browser cache as I've cleared it and reloaded the page with the same issue. I've also added


onto the end of my link to the stylesheet to trick the browser into believing it's a new one. (Learned that trick on StackOverflow to use with favicons, will give credit when I find where I got it)

It tries to search for the CSS in .LESS files that are non-existent on the web server. Could it be a problem with my bootstrap.css.map file being on the server?


EDIT: Another thing I can't seem to figure out, is why the CSS actually shows up under the LESS file reference?


I found my problem, it turns out I was using the wrong media attribute. For some unknown stupid reason I had set the style.css file to only display for print.. I just removed the entire media attribute to be displayed on all types and it works like a charm.

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