C# UML Class diagram


I'm writing a class diagram for my project, but unsure whether or not I should be including my overridden ToString() method on the diagram?

Also, how do I represent overridden methods on the diagram?

For example...

public override String SalesPrice()

okay so I finally found the book I mentioned (I am moving soon so it was packed).

in UML Inheritance is called generalization and it simply shows 2 boxes one pointing to the other no attributes.

I would assume that since you have defined the method in a base class that you would not have to in classes that inherit from it.

however there is a place that states that operations are defined as:

"visibility name ( parameters ) : return-type {properties}"

and for properties:


Specifies any parameters-related properties and is specified between curly braces. These are typically defined within the context of a specific model"

although the properties seem more for the parameters than the actual method but you may be able to fudge this a little

now for interfaces:

under the interfaces section it states explicitly that the class that "realizes" the interface must have it's own implementation. so in short I would add any overridden methods to the class diagram. otherwise whom ever implements your diagram might not realize that they need to override it.

I am using uml 2.0 in a nut shell as my reference. pg's 20,28,30

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