ObjectMapper fails to deserialize - cannot deserialize instance of .... out of START_ARRAY token

Sasanka Panguluri

I have a json like this:

  "games": [
        "id": "mhhlhlmlezgwniokgawxloi7mi",
        "from": "425364_456@localhost",
        "to": "788295_456@localhost",
        "token": "xqastwxo5zghlgjcapmq5tirae",
        "desc": "6CeF9/YEFAiUPgLaohbWt9pC7rt9PJlKE6TG6NkA4hE=",
        "timestamp": 1412806372232
        "id": "62jzlm64zjghna723grfyb6y64",
        "from": "425364_456@localhost",
        "to": "788295_456@localhost",
        "token": "xqastwxo5zghlgjcapmq5tirae",
        "desc": "Z/ww2XroGoIG5hrgiWsU1P8YHrv4SxiYHHoojzt9tdc=",
        "timestamp": 1412806373651

I'm trying to deserialize it to an Object with ObjectMapper. Essentially as you can see, it is a List of games.

I have classes like these:

public class GameJson{
    private List<Game> games;
// getters and setters


the Game class is here:

public class Game{
    private String id;

    private String from;

    private String to;

    private String token;

    private String desc;

    private Instant timestamp;

    // getters and setters

In my code, the ObjectMapper is doing this:

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_ROOT_VALUE, true);

GameJson json = mapper.readValue(
                       new FileInputStream(gamesFile), GameJson.class);

Then I get this error:

Can not deserialize instance of com.games.collection.GameJson out of START_ARRAY token

I am trying different ways to do this, but coming out with no luck. Can someone please help?


Sotirios Delimanolis

Get rid of


That annotation identifies the annotated type as the target for the JSON object mapped to a JSON key named "games". In your case, that is a JSON array. An array cannot be deserialized into your GameJson class.

As you stated in the comments, you also need to remove the configuration that enables @JsonRootName.

mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_ROOT_VALUE, true);

Collected from the Internet

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From Java

com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException: Can not deserialize instance of object out of START_ARRAY token - JAVA

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