Getting specific parts from a string to another

The Real Hero

I have a string variable like following

$str= '[[["how ","no use","",""],["to ","no use","",""],["solve this","no use","",""]]]';

And i want some parts of this string to make another one like following

$result="how to solve this";

Is it possible to create $result from $str?

Am new to php someone help me to solve this or any idea to solve this.


since the string is json, you can use json_decode to turn that string into an array. Since the whole thing is wrapped in [], reset is used to shear off the out outer array.

$string= '[[["how ","no use","",""],["to ","no use","",""],["solve this","no use","",""]]]';

$result = '';
foreach(reset(json_decode($string)) as $piece)
    $result .= reset($piece);

echo $result;

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