Select multiple rows into a single row one after the other in Postgres


I am using postgresql and have a table 'sometable' which looks like this

id | ref_id |  a_remarks   | a_date     |  b_remarks   |  b_date
1  | 32     |  'send xyz'  | 20/06/2014 |  'file send' |  22/06/2014 
2  | 32     |  'send abc'  | 25/06/2014 |  'file send' |  01/07/2014 

but while displaying it to user i need to display it this way

20/06/2014  Send xyz
22/06/2014  file send
25/06/2014  send abc
01/07/2014   file send

so i am unable to view data one after the other since it is in different columns. Can any one help me with this?? Thanks In Advance.

Brett DiDonato

Create one query that selects a_remarks and a_date, union it with another query that selects b_remarks and b_date and then order by id. If it's important to strip out the id then create the unions in a subquery and just drop the id in the outer query. Like this...

SELECT, t.remarks FROM (SELECT id, a_date AS date, a_remarks AS remarks FROM sometable UNION SELECT id, b_date AS date, b_remarks AS remarks ORDER BY id) t;

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