Linked list, add node to end


I'm working on a project and I was given this function to complete

void addToEnd(node*& head, string newVal)

Effect:  adds new node to tail end of list 
Precondition: head is a pointer to first node in the list (list MAY be empty)
Postcondition: list contains one more node

My question is what is the string newVal for?

The value_type of this class is of type DOUBLE so I'm confused what string newVal is for. So I can't set the newVal in the node because it is of two different types.

This is what I have so far. I'm not sure if im going in the right direction.

node *temp = new node;
temp = head;

while(temp->link() != NULL){
    temp = temp->link();


I'm not even sure where to use the string in this block of code.

link() returns the member variable node* link_field set_link() sets the new link to the link_field

Mike DeSimone

Well, we're guessing that they somehow expect you to turn a string into a double with a function like std::stod.

As for your list manipulation code, there's a few problems:

node *temp = new node;
temp = head;

This creates a new node, puts its pointer in temp, then immediately overwrites temp with head, losing (leaking) the new node. Don't do that.

while(temp->link() != NULL){
    temp = temp->link();

This is close, but might not work. The problem is that you need to keep track of the real node pointer, not a copy.

Normally, in a linked list API using pointers instead of references, the "add node" function looks like:

void addToEnd(node** head, string newVal)
        head = &((*head)->next);
    *head = new node;
    (*head)->value = newVal;
    (*head)->next = 0;

Note that if the list is empty, the passed-in head pointer is altered to point to the new node. If the list is not empty, the last next pointer is altered instead.

The API you're given (i.e. the link and set_link methods) doesn't allow this, because the head pointer is not a node and those functions require a node. So you've got to do it a little differently, namely you have to handle the empty list case separately.

void addToEnd(node*& head, string newVal)
    // Create the node.
    node* newNode = new node;
    newNode->value = std::stod(newVal);

    if(!head) // Empty list?
        head = newNode;

    // Find last node.
    node* item = head;
        item = item->link();

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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