Java to a web service and mysql

João Marques

I'm here to pose a kinda noob question, so please no hate here mates.

The java application I'm trying to create has the following structure.

                      login request via net                           Validation(same machine)
**JAVA PROGRAM** ---------------------------------> **WebService** ---------------------------------------> **db** 

          Response                       Response
**db** --------------> **WebService** ----------------> **JAVA PROGRAM**

But my doubt is on how to build that webservice. I've watched several glassfish tutorials, but none of them seem to explain how to actually create this type of connections.

Thank you!


You should divide your problem into several sub-problems and then tackle them one by one. I'm not sure if I understood your setup correctly, but to me it seems like you need the following:

  • Client Java application and the application logic
  • Server Java application and the application logic
  • Database
  • Connection from the server application to the database
  • Connection from the client Java application to the server application

In addition, you need to decide what kind of a connection you are going to use between your client and a server. Would it be a SOAP-based web service, a ReST service, plain HTML, just a simple POST/GET, or something else? Also, what kind of frameworks are you using? Spring, perhaps? Wicket? Something else?

Do you have any of those decided or done yet? Feel free to start a new question, I foresee this one being closed in the near future, because it's not clear what you are asking. Do study the What topics can I ask about here? page. If you can show any code in your question, you are much more likely to get answers.

Anyway, to give at least some kind of an answer to your question, I'd use the Spring Framework. Google for spring sql tutorial and then either spring restful web services tutorial, spring servlet tutorial or spring soap web service tutorial based on your technology of choice.

Collected from the Internet

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