Need help understanding perl code

Pankaj Jaiswal

I am a beginner in perl. Just wanted to understand the following code.

sub get_files {
    foreach my $customer (keys %customers){
        lg("Getting files from ftp for customer $customer", "LOG");
        my $ftp_server = $customers{$customer}{'FtpServer'};
        my $ftp_user   = $customers{$customer}{'FtpUser'};
        my $ftp_pass   = $customers{$customer}{'FtpPass'};
        my $datadir    = $datafiles.$customer."/";

        `$get_files $ftp_server $ftp_user $ftp_pass $datadir`;


What does last line in the above subroutine tells?


It invokes the command that's in the string $get_files, passing the command the remaining strings as parameters.

Usually it's used if you want to capture the resulting output and store it in a variable. In this case where the result is being discarded it would be more usual to use system instead:

system $get_files, $ftp_server, $ftp_user, $ftp_pass, $datadir;

although if the command does then produce any output it'll appear on-screen instead of being absorbed by the back-ticks operator.

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