How does $http.jsonp() work


Here is an example of a .json file:

     "name":"Jon Skeets"

     "name":"Bill Joy"

If this json file is obtained as:

$http.jsonp(pathToFile).then() {

It returns a 404. There is nothing wrong with pathToFile I have verified it with curl, wget and the browser. But the problem is with jsonp() having to fetch .json files with the above structure. $http.get() can parse .json files with the above structure. But JSONP cant. It needs a dictionary at the top level and not an array.

To demonstrate this, I have created this firebase:

fetch the link in your browser or wget and it works. Try fetching it with Angular here and it returns 404 Request failed.

Frank van Puffelen

Firebase hosting does not support JSONP. It doesn't handle the callback parameter that is used to evaluate JSONP callbacks across origins.

Say you store this JSON at URL

{ "name":"Jon Skeets" }

If you access the URL you get back exactly that JSON. And that is precisely what $http.get does.

When a server supports JSONP, it accepts a callback parameter. In such a case the URL ends up and the response is:

displayName('{ "name":"Jon Skeets" }');

This allows JSON data to be retrieved across origins, which is the whole reason for JSONP's existence.

Firebase's dynamic data servers support JSON. Firebase hosting does not.

Some possible solutions:

  1. If you're storing the JSON file and the application on Firebase hosting, you can just use $http.get.
  2. Since you control the JSON file, you can also simply put a function name inside name.json
  3. Store the JSON file at a host that supports JSONP. I often put them in Github Gists.
  4. Store the data structure in a Firebase hierarchical database, and not on their hosting servers

Collected from the Internet

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