Eclipse export file jar doesn't contain folder


I have created a runnable jar with eclipse. Inside my project I have a folder called questionnaire which contains some text files I use. When I run my runnable jar it doesn't work except if I have in the same folder as the jar the folder questionnaire. I tried some solutions that I read in stackoverflow like add folder questionnaire as a source folder and also from properties -> java build path -> libraries ->Add class folder and add questionnaire folder but still doesn't work.

This is the code:

 File srcFolder = new File(".\\questionnaire");

   System.out.println("Directory does not exist.");
   //just exit


And every time I get message "Directory does not exist". Also when I unzip the jar there is no folder questionnaire

Etienne Miret

To add the folder "questionnaire" into your jar, you need to set the parent directory of "questionnaire" as a source folder.

Then, you'll have a questionnaire "folder" into your jar. However, you won't be able to access it via the File API, since it won't be a regular folder but an entry into your jar. If you simply need to read files from that folder, have a look at the Class.getRessourceAsStream(String) method.

Collected from the Internet

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