Error when opening Ruby File (Beginner) + How to run a file?

Damien Robichaud

When I try to open A ruby file in the same directory something weird happens, like so :

C:\RubyFiles>file ="Lottery.rb", "r") 'file' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

now I know this has nothing to do with the opening of the file itself, but I wanted to have an example ;)

(This has been resolved^) :D

But now I would like to know how to run the file itself? Can anyone help? Thanks in advance!

Cameron Martin

After opening irb, you can execute a ruby file using Kernel#load

load 'Lottery.rb'

If this file just includes module/class definitions, you probably only want to load it once. This is what Kernel#require ensures:

require 'Lottery.rb'

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