Pull Data from an xml file?


Somewhat new to XML, but s there a way to pull info from an xml file based on the country and have it displayed in a div?

Ex. I just want data from the element containing Europe, when the Europe btn/link is clicked then append into the global DIV.

    <div class="btn_all">
        <a href='#' value="Global" class="btn_globalImg"></a>
        <a href='#' value="Regional" class="btn_regionalImg"></a>
        <a href='#' value="Country" class="btn_countriesImg"></a>
    <div class="btn_regions">
        <a href='#' value="Africa" class="btn_africaImg"></a>
        <a href='#' value="Asia" class="btn_asiaImg"></a>
        <a href='#' value="Europe" class="btn_eurImg"></a>
        <a href='#' value="Latin America" class="btn_latinImg"></a>
        <a href='#' value="North America" class="btn_northImg"></a>
    <div class="btn_countries">
        <a href='#' value="Africa" class="btn_africaImg"></a>
        <a href='#' value="Asia" class="btn_asiaImg"></a>
        <a href='#' value="Europe" class="btn_eurImg"></a>
        <a href='#' value="Latin America" class="btn_latinImg"></a>
        <a href='#' value="North America" class="btn_northImg"></a>
    <div id="global"></div>

        function ResetandSet(set){
            $('.btn_regions, .btn_countries').hide(); //hide regions submenu
            $('#global').html(""); //clear #global
            set=="global" ? $('.btn_globalImg').addClass('active'):$('.btn_globalImg').removeClass('active');
            set=="region" ? $('.btn_regionalImg').addClass('active'):$('.btn_regionalImg').removeClass('active');
            set=="country" ? $('.btn_countriesImg').addClass('active'):$('.btn_countriesImg').removeClass('active');

    function loadXML(that) {
        var Step1 = $('.btn_all').find('.active').attr("value");
        var Step2 = $(that).attr("value");
        var cty_count="";

        $.get('inc/BestEmployers.xml', function(d){
                return Step1 == "Global" ? $(this).find("category").text() == Step1 : $(this).find("category").text() == Step1 && $(this).find("region").text() == Step2;
    //sort by
                var name = $(this).attr("name");
                var category = $(this).find('category').text();
                var region = $(this).find('region').text();
                var country = $(this).find('country').text();
                var year = $(this).find('year').text();
                var employee = $(this).find('employee').text();
                var industry = $(this).find('industry').text();
                var url = $(this).find('url').text();
                var logo = $(this).find('logo').text();
                var quote = $(this).find('quote').text();
                var title = $(this).find('title').text();

                if (Step1 == "Global")
                    makeGlobal(name, category, region, country, year, employee, industry, url, logo, quote, title);
                else if (Step1 == "Regional") 
                    makeRegional(name, category, region, country, year, employee, industry, url, logo, quote, title);
                else if (Step1 == "Country") {
                    if (cty_count=="")
                        $('#global').append("<div class='header'><div>Company</div><div>Industry</div><div>Website</div><div>No. of Employees</div></div>");
                    if (cty_count != country) {
                        $('#global').append("<div class='subheader'>" + country + "</div>");
                        cty_count = country;
                    makeCountry(name, category, region, country, year, employee, industry, url, logo, quote, title);

    function makeGlobal(name, category, region, country, year, employee, industry, url, logo, quote, title){
        var html = '';
        html += "<div class='global'>";
            if(logo) {html += "<div><img src='images/" + logo + "' width='100px' height='100px'/></div>"}
            html += "<div>"
                if(name) {html += "<div class='company'>" + name + "</div>"}
                if(category) {html += "<div class='desc'>Certified Best Employer - " + category + " " + year+ "</div>"}
                if(employee) {html += "<div class='employee'>No of employees: " + employee + "<div>"}
                if(industry) {html += "<div class='industry'>Industry: " + industry + "</div>"}
                if(quote) {html += "<div class='quote'>" + quote + "</div>"}
                if(title) {html += "<div class='title'>From: " + title + "<div>"}
                if(url) {html += "<div class='more'><a href='" + url + "' target='_blank'>" + url + "</a></div>"}
            html += "</div>"
        html += "</div><br/>";

    function makeRegional(name, category, region, country, year, employee, industry, url, logo, quote, title){
        var html = '';
            html += "<div class='regional'>";
            if(logo) {html += "<div><img src='images/" + logo + "' width='100px' height='100px'/></div>"}
            html += "<div>"
            if(name) {html += "<div class='company'>" + name + "</div>"}
            if(region) {html += "<div class='desc'>Certified Best Employer - " + region + " " + year+ "</div>"}
            if(employee) {html += "<div class='employee'>No of employees: " + employee + "<div>"}
            if(industry) {html += "<div class='industry'>Industry: " + industry + "</div>"}
            if(url) {html += "<div class='more'><a href='" + url + "' target='_blank'>" + url + "</a></div>"}
            html += "</div>"
            html += "</div><br/>";

    function makeCountry(name, category, region, country, year, employee, industry, url, logo, quote, title){
        var html = '';
            html += "<div class='country'>";
            html += "<div class='name'>" + name + "</div>";
            html += "<div class='industry'>" + industry + "</div>";
            html += "<div class='website'><a href='" + url + "' target='_blank'>" + url + "</a></div>";
            html += "<div class='employee'>" + employee + "</div>";

    /* Second Level Buttons */
        $('.btn_africaImg, .btn_asiaImg, .btn_eurImg, .btn_latinImg, .btn_northImg').click(function(){
            $('#global').html(""); //clear #global
            $('.btn_regions a, .btn_countries a').each(function( index ) { $(this).removeClass('active') });

            $xml.find('country').each(function () {
        $(this).find("whatever you want").text()
    /* End Second Level Buttons */

    /* Top Level Buttons */
        $('.btn_regionalImg').click(function() {
            $('.btn_regions').show(); //hide regions submenu

        $('.btn_countriesImg').click(function() {
            $('.btn_countries').show(); //hide regions submenu
        $('.btn_globalImg').click(function() {
    /* End Top Level Buttons */

    /*  XML file */     
        <script type="text/xml" id="xmlData">
            <company name="1" imageurl="logo">
            <certification> Certified Best Employer </certification>
            <employee> 5,0000 </employee>
            <industry> Risk Services </industry>
            <html_url> http://www.google.com </html_url>
            <company name="2" imageurl="logo">
            <certification> Certified Best Employer </certification>
            <employee> 5,0000 </employee>
            <industry> Risk Services </industry>
            <html_url> http://www.google.com </html_url>
            <company name="3" imageurl="logo">
            <certification> Certified Best Employer </certification>
            <employee> 5,0000 </employee>
            <industry> Risk Services </industry>
            <html_url> http://www.google.com </html_url>

A good way to do this is to use some AJAX. First call a javascript function in your html div/body, or wherever. In your javascript you can call your xml file and then do something like:

$xml.find('country').each(function () {
    $(this).find("whatever you want").text()

set your div with an id and then append the $(this) to the id


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