How to pass value to read variable with pipe (stdin) in bash


I read a lot about passing piping stdin to bash read function, but nothing seems to work for my bash version!!

GNU bash, version 3.2.51(1)-release (x86_64-suse-linux-gnu)

I have a bash script that in some point asks the user "yes/no" with variable CONTINUEQUESTION:

echo "Do you want to continue? (yes/no):"
tmp=$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<<$CONTINUEQUESTION)
if [[ "$tmp" != 'y'  &&  "$tmp" != 'yes' ]]; then
                echo "Aborting because of input '$CONTINUEQUESTION'"

I would like to pipe a "yes or no" to this question without user input! Yes i know i could use expect, but i don't prefer it in this case.

So i tried several things:


Aborting because of input ''


Aborting because of input ''

...and many other, nothing worked!?

O.k. now I did a bit revers thinking and find out that the below line causes the problem with the pipe...because when i remarked it out all the below answers are working just fine, but not when this line is executed:

running=`ssh root@${HOSTNAME} 'su - root -c "/bin/tools list | grep \"system running\"" 2>&1'`

But, i need this line before the read! What do i need to reverse the 2>&1????

My script look like this and is working without this try to over come the user intervantion:


running=`ssh root@${HOSTNAME} 'su - root -c "cat '$LIST_FILE_NAME' | grep \"system running\"" 2>&1'`
if [[ $running =~ .*running.* ]]; then
        echo "NODE $NODE running stop before continuing."
if [ $STILL_RUNNING -eq 1 ]; then
        echo "Aborting system was still running!"
        exit 1

echo "Do you want to continue? (yes/no):"

tmp=$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<<$CONTINUEQUESTION)
if [[ "$tmp" != 'y'  &&  "$tmp" != 'yes' ]]; then
                echo "Aborting because of input '$CONTINUEQUESTION'"

echo "o.k."

4 points:

  1. list.log can have a line with "system running" or "system notrunning"
  2. if list.log has a line with "system notrunning" than the bash script continue towards the question
  3. at the question i never got it right to inject the 'y' or 'yes' so the bash aborts because of input ''
  4. i execute this like: ./ list list.log (normal way)

This bash runs well if the user interacts at the question!

Thanks for you time!!!


Consider this variation as well:

read -p "Do you want to continue? (yes/no): " CONTINUEQUESTION
if [[ $CONTINUEQUESTION != [Yy] && $CONTINUEQUESTION != [Yy][Ee][Ss] ]]; then
    echo "Aborting because of input '$CONTINUEQUESTION'."

Tested with:

bash <<< yes

If it doesn't work, show the output of:

bash -x <<< yes

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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