Clang linking with a .so file


I keep getting

ld: library not found for
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

When trying to link to a .so file.

I'm using this command:

clang++ Main.cpp -o foo -L./

What am I doing wrong?

File is in the same directory as file Main.cpp. I thought the -L./ would add the .so to the library search paths.

Some programmer dude

Yes, the -L option adds the search path, but the linker adds the .so (or .a) suffix itself (just like it adds the lib prefix). So you only need to have -lchaiscript_stdlib-5.3.1 and the linker will find it.

You can also skip the adding of the path, and link directly with the file:

clang++ Main.cpp -o foo

Note that the runtime linker (which is what actually loads the shared libraries when you run your program) might not be able to find the library if it's not in the runtime linker's path. You can tell the (compile time) linker to add a path to the shared-library path in the generated program though:

clang++ Main.cpp -o foo -Wl,-rpath,/absolute/path

The -Wl option tells the compiler front-end to pass an option to the linker, and the linker option -rpath adds a path to the runtime-linker search path.

Collected from the Internet

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