Refactor an ugly loop into LINQ


I have the following peace of code, that factors an int to prime numbers:

    private static IEnumerable<int> Factor(int input)
        IList<int> result = new List<int>();

        while (true)
            var theSmallestDivisor = GetTheSmallestDivisor(input);
            if (theSmallestDivisor == 0)
                return result;

            input = input/theSmallestDivisor;

I'm looking for hints on how to improve it, possibly using LINQ.

Lucas Trzesniewski

Here's an iterator version:

private static IEnumerable<int> Factor(int input)
    while (true)
        var theSmallestDivisor = GetTheSmallestDivisor(input);
        if (theSmallestDivisor == 0)
            yield return input;
            yield break;

        yield return theSmallestDivisor;
        input = input / theSmallestDivisor;

LINQ would only make this code less readable in that particular case.

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