Allocating 2 dimension array of a class Java


This is working just fine.

test [][] matrix = new test[5][];

    for(int i =0 ; i < 5 ; i++)
        matrix[i] = new test[5];
        for(int j = 0 ; j< 5 ; j++)
            matrix[i][j] = new test();

This is not working

for(test[] t: matrix)
        t = new test[5];
        for(test t2: t)
            t2 = new test();

This is working

int[][] matrix2 = new int[5][5];

without to initialize at all

The question is why ?


Because you are assiging to a local variable and not to an element of matrix.

for(test[] t: matrix) {
    t = new test[5]; // You are assiging to a local variable
    // t is a local variable!

To make it more obvious:

for(int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {
    test[] t = matrix[i]; // t is obviously a local variable.

    // This will assign a new array to the local variable t:
    t = new test[5];

    // matrix[i] is still null, to prove it:
    System.out.println(matrix[i]); // Prints "null"

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