simple responsive design \ best practice


Consider two inline-block divs. Now, I want when the user decrease the browser size, that only one <div> will stay visible (and not one <div> to go to the next line...).

How can I implement that?

    div {
<div id="first">this should dissapear on narrowing browser</div>
<div id="second">only this should be visible</div>

I use Polymer, so if there is some syntax sugar here would be nice :)

Ali Green

Try this!

There's a breakpoint at 480px so any widths before then the first div is set to display none and the second div takes up the rest of the space.

@media screen and (max-width: 480px) {
  div.first {
    display: none;

  div.second {
    width: 100%;

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