PHP/MySQL Update database on session timeout


I'm working on a "flash website". In this program, I'd like to add an "Online Users" list, which relies on sessions: A session is started when a user logs in, and the user is marked as Online in the database. As soon as the logs out or closes the browser, the user is marked as Offline in the database.

I know that running some functions when the browser is closed will require Javascript, and it's not safe either: If the browser were to crash, the functions wouldn't run. That's why I've settled for the database updating if the user logs out or if the user's session times out.

I've been looking up session timeouts, and ran into this, along with many others like it marked as duplicates: How do I expire a PHP session after 30 minutes?

The problem with the answer's method is; It's a conditional sentence that checks if the user's last activity was X seconds ago, and if there was no activity, it times out. Useful in some websites, but useless for the Online Users list, since it updateds when a new request is sent, and since there won't be any requests after the user closes the browser.

Also mentioned in other answers is the use of session.gc_maxlifetime and session.cookie_lifetime, but the Best answer states that using them is a bad idea; One doesn't destroy the session, just the cookies, and the other is "cost-intensive".

What I want is the user to time out and the database to update and mark the user as Offline without using the If-Conditional sentence, or maybe with using a different If-conditional sentence that only has to be used once when the user logs in, like a timer or something, and whenever a request is sent, the timer restarts...those are just my ideas so far on how to solve this problem.

But, how do I do this? I'm sorry if the answer is something very simple and obvious, I'm very new to PHP.

Edit: Long Story Short:

I want to run a function after the user closes his browser, or is inactive for 20 minutes.


I want to update the database after 20 minutes of inactivity even if the browser has been closed.


I want to update the database after 20 minutes of the browser being closed.

I don't think this is really possible to do with browsers being closed (reliably). If they click the logout button you can obviously run some code to mark the user as logged out. You can specify how long a session is good for with the functions you mentioned but all this does is makes the cookie be deleted on the client side, it doesn't trigger anything on the server side.

About the only thing you can do is track the time of the user's last activity and if they haven't had activity in a while assume they are gone. So just add a field to your user table and store a datetime or unix timestamp of their last activity. Then you can either run a cron job every few minutes that marks users as logged out or you can simply modify your SQL query to pull only users that have a last activity less than 20 minutes ago.

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