Can't update a mongo value with a dynamic array id from a meteor form

Peter Nunn

I've got a meteor event in which I'm trying to update one value in a number of sub documents from an event handler.

The string I'm putting together is order.0.number, order.1.number etc.. and I can see the correct strings being generated in the debugger. I can also manually update the field in the console, but the code stubbonly refuses to update the numbers.

The event code is

   'click #closeEdit': function(evt,tmpl) {
    Session.set('lastMod', new Date());
    Requests.update({_id:Session.get('editingReqEvent')}, {$set: {locked_by: null}});

   var request = Requests.findOne({_id:Session.get('editingReqEvent')});
    for (i=1; i <= request.order.length; i++) {
      var val=tmpl.find('#'+i).value;
      if(!val) {// its null
        val = 0
      var toSet = "order."+(i-1)+".number";
      Requests.update({_id:Session.get('editingReqEvent')}, {$set: {toSet: parseInt(val)}});

Any ideas how I should be doing this (obviously what I have here isn't the way to do it).


Peppe L-G

{toSet: parseInt(val)} will create an object with the key toSet. Not what you want, right? You need to do something like:

var toSet = "order."+(i-1)+".number"
var updates = {}
updates[toSet] = parseInt(val)
Requests.update(Session.get('editingReqEvent'), {$set: updates})

PS, in your code, create i as a local variable instead of a global variable (guessing you're not using it as a global variable). DS

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