Searching words in two column


i am working on a search script and this is

my php code:

$search_string = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9çğıöüş]/", " ", $_POST['query']);

$search_param = '%'.$search_string.'%';
// Do Search
$result_array = search_by_name($search_param); //functions

and i have a query like this:

SELECT user_id AS id,  
       user_firstname AS firstname,  
       user_lastname AS lastname,  
       user_profile_picture AS picture  
FROM users WHERE  
       user_firstname LIKE :user_firstname  
    OR user_lastname LIKE :user_lastname  

 $result->bindParam(':user_firstname', $search_param, PDO::PARAM_STR);
 $result->bindParam(':user_lastname', $search_param, PDO::PARAM_STR);

when you write a word, this query finds it in user_firstname column or in user_lastname columns. For instance,

 `user_firstname    user_lastname
  --------------    -------------
  james             wood
  jimmy             james
  george            wood  

in this case if I write 'james' to the search area, I'll find 'james wood' and 'jimmy james' however, if I write 'james wood' I won't find anything because i am searching it in user_firstname column or user_lastname colum which does not contain 'james wood'.

what I want to do is to be able to search full names and get the results. how do I do this?


Gorkem Yontem

Create an new column something like user_first_last_name. put the first names and last names together. And search from that column.

Collected from the Internet

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