Launching Client Email with ASP value with LinkButton

Matt Bergevin

This one has been giving me trouble all morning and I hope someone with more ASP knowledge can help me! I didn't build this app, I inherited it and it was built in .NET 2.0.

I'm upgrading an app that generated a list of href=mailto. Now it needs to run some C# code so I started recreating these as linkButtons. I was following this article How to launching email client on LinkButton click event? but I have one more step.

<asp:Repeater DataSourceID="sdsUserList" runat="server">
            <asp:LinkButton ID="lbEmail" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("UserName") %>' OnClientClick="'mailto:<%# Eval("UserEmail") %>', 'email')" OnClick="lblEmail_Click" />

I need the OnClientClick to simply open up a new email to send to the User. I've monkeyed around with the quotes but the error I am getting is "The server tag is not well formed".


It could be the quotes for your OnClientClick. You'll need to change this:

OnClientClick="'mailto:<%# Eval("UserEmail") %>', 'email')"

You could try calling a function with the Eval statement as a parameter. For example:

OnClientClick='<%# String.Format("javascript:return SendEmail(\"{0}\")", Eval("UserEmail").ToString()) %>'

<script type="text/javascript">
    function SendEmail(email){"mailto:" + email);


I think there are other ways to escape the quotes too, but that's just a possible quick fix. This I just tested and it works fine. Good luck!

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