PostgreSQL & DataMapper issues


Been scratching my head for a while on this one and despite trying many variations I cannot see the mistake. After writing the app file, which contains what looks like the correct DataMapper.setup code for using PostgreSQL (?), and upon trying to play around in IRB/PRY, i just get a 'FATAL database not created' message even after i have called 'Song.auto_migrate!', here is my code, can anyone help me get past this? Thanks in advance:

require 'data_mapper'
require 'dm-core' #main DataMapper gem
require 'dm-migrations' #extra DataMapper functionality extension

DataMapper.setup(:default, "postgres://localhost/development")

class Song

  include DataMapper::Resource
  property :id, Serial
  property :title, String
  property :lyrics, Text
  property :length, Integer
  property :released_on, Date


I require the file all fine in irb, then call Song.auto_migrate! and it runs the 'database does not exist' error. What am i doing wrong?


You need to do this in command line:


and then

CREATE DATABASE development;

before even trying to run Data Mapper setup code.

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