In a Hibernate SQL query how do you escape ? character in the field name

Marc Johnson

This is a SQL Server DB and the developer, many years ago, made a column name for boolean values contain a ? character. Many systems access this DB, so changing this column name isn't really an option for me.

This works in native MS tools:

SELECT * FROM MyDatabase.dbo.[My Table] WHERE [Active?]= true

That same query fails in a session.createSQLQuery with Hibernate throwing an error attempting to interpret the ? inside the bracketed field name as a parameter.

I've tried backticks [Active?\]

I've tried escaping with /! [Active/!?] and vice versa !/ [Active!/?] with no effect.

I've also looked around quite a few stack overflow and web forums for other suggestions but the other things I've tried have not worked.

Is this a bug in hibernate? It seems to me that nothing in brackets should be interpretable as parameters.

The specific error is a query exception

> Expected positional parameter count: 1, actual parameters:[]

with the query string attached.

joachim-isaksson Answered it: [Active\\?] is it

Marc Johnson

@joachim-isaksson Answered it [Active\\?]

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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