MYSQL (NOT IN) query is very slow

Ilyas Oirraq

i don't know why this query take 45 min to give me the result

table1= 831293 row

table2= 2000.000 row

SELECT ID, name FROM table1 WHERE name not IN (SELECT name FROM table2 )  LIMIT 831293

my.cnf file look like this :

max_allowed_packet  = 64M
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 8G
innodb_log_file_size    = 256M 
query_cache_type        = 1
query_cache_limit   = 1M

Do you have an index on name?

If you have to loop each time through table2 per row, you effectively loop through 831293*200000 rows, which is a lot.

When you have an index on name, you can get a major performance increase, as it is easier to search for a name in this index. (probably even O(1) as there will probably be a hashtable)

you can do this as follows

ALTER TABLE `table2` ADD INDEX (`name`)

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