How to run a specific test plan


I am setting up my test environment to run tests on file changes, but I don't want to run all the test plans when test cases are changed.

How can I run a specific test plan in Perl? For example, I only want to run "test2"?


use Test::More;  
ok(1, "test1");

ok(1, "test2");

If I were you I'd do the following:

1 - if you might want to separate some test from the others, put it in some other test suite...


2 - if the test you're willing to skip depends on some feature or availability on some object, try using a skip block like in Test::More documentation

    skip $why, $how_many unless $have_some_feature;

    ok( foo(),       $test_name );
    is( foo(42), 23, $test_name );


Hope it helps and gets you going! Good luck.

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