STL algorithm copy if with functor


Which algorithm or combine of algorithms can use for following situation?

struct Term
    int ix;
    double f;

std::vector<Term> terms = <intitalize terms>;
std::vector< int > termIxVector;

// NEED get all `ix` from the `terms` where term.f < 1.0, 
   // and insert 'ix' result to termIxVector.
//i.e. equavalent this loop:
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < terms.size(); ++i)
    if ( terms[i].f < 1.0 )

std::copy_if copies only Term structure. std::transform - doesn't support predicate.


Use std::for_each with a lambda

std::for_each(terms.begin(), terms.end(), 
              [&termIxVector](Term const& t) { 
                  if(t.f < 1.0) termIxVector.push_back(t.ix); 

Or a range based for

for(auto const& t : terms) {
  if(t.f < 1.0) termIxVector.push_back(t.ix);

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