How to create new sheets on condition in excel file using c#


Following code works for me to generate only single excel file and single sheet in that.

I want to generate separate sheets for every CustomerOrders how can I do it?

List<MyData> Data = //code to get list of data

DataTable reportDataTable = new DataTable();
int count =0

if (Data != null)
    foreach (MyData dataobj in Data)
        foreach (var innerdata in dataobj.CustomerData.OrderBy(t => t.Number))
            foreach (var orderobj in dataobj.CustomerOrders)
                DataRow row = reportDataTable.NewRow();
                row[0] = "No";
                row[1] = "Code"+count;                            

GridView grid = new GridView();
grid.DataSource = reportDataTable;

return new DownloadFileResult(grid, "MYEXCELFILE.xls");

public DownloadFileResult(GridView gv, string FileName)
    GridView = gv; // property
    fileName = FileName; //property

How do I generate those multiple sheets in one MYEXCELFILE.xls file?

For above i have used following link code

Try this source code:

//Create an instance of the object that generates the Excel file
ExcelDocument xls = new ExcelDocument();

//Loop for each CustomerOrders
    //Add an worksheet for each CustomerOrders sheet
    ExcelWorksheet xlsSheet = new ExcelWorksheet();
    xlsSheet.setSheetName("CustomerOrders #no");

    //Create a dataset that contains the gridview datatable
    DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();

    //Add the datatable
    xlsSheet.easy_insertDataSet(dataSet, "A1", true);

//Export Excel file
xls.easy_WriteXLSFile("MYEXCELFILE.xls ");

For formatting the cells see this link:

This code uses EasyXLS library for generating Excel files.

Collected from the Internet

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