Can't access public textBox7 created in form1, while in form2

César Amorim

I have a textbox7 created in form1, but I want to access it in another form, form 2 so I changed its modifiers to public

When I get on form2 i want it to perform the following

Form1.textBox7.ReadOnly = true;    

but I get the following error

Error 1 An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'WindowsFormsApplication1.Form1.textBox7' C:\Users\Admin\Google Drive\AdminhomeGD\ztese\zprograma\WindowsFormsApplication1\WindowsFormsApplication1\formOpConfig.cs 73 46 WindowsFormsApplication1

i have no idea what's wrong


I'm trying to use the following, on form1 (named Form1):

        public Boolean gammamanual
        get { return textBox7.ReadOnly; }
        set { textBox7.ReadOnly = value; }

while on form2 (named formOpConfig):

namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
public partial class formOpConfig : Form


   public formOpConfig(Form1 opener)
    // this is a constructor
    this.Opener = opener;

private Form1 Opener { get; set; }

public formOpConfig() { // initialization and stuff }

private void buttonExit_Click (object sender, EventArgs e)
if (checkBox3.Checked == true) { this.textBox7.gammamanual = false; } 
else {   this.textBox7.gammamanual = true; }

I want it so that when the checkbox3 is checked and the form2 exited, the textBox7 will be editable manualy.

Edit:2 the problem was that form2 was started from form1, also, i had 2 different constructors in form2 (formOpConfig). the solution was adapting the main constructor using

   private Form1 Opener { get; set; }

    public formOpConfig(Form1 opener)

        this.Opener = opener;
        InitializeComponent(); //Stuff

meanwhile i was able to start formOpConfig from the Form1 using

formOpConfig painelconfig = new formOpConfig(this);
Tim Schmelter

You cannot access an instance variable via class name, that works only if it's static. So you need an instance of Form1 to access a property/field of it. You could for example pass it via constructor from Form1 to Form2(if Form1 instantiates Form2) or use a property/method.

But instead of exposing the complete control i would only provide what is necessary, that's called Encapsulation. You could expose a public property with a meaningful name that describes the purpose of textBox7(change also this name). Presuming it's purpose is to show a username the property could be UserName:

public partial class Form1 : Form
    public string UserName
        get{return TxtUserName.Text;}
        set{ TxtUserName.Text = value;}
    // ...

Since you want to get/set the ReadOnly property of the TextBox you could provide another property:

public bool UserNameEditable
    get{ return !TxtUserName.ReadOnly; }
    set{ TxtUserName.ReadOnly = !value; }

Now you are able to get/set it from another Form if you have an instance of Form1:

public partial class Form2 : Form
    public Form2(Form1 opener)
        // this is a constructor
        this.Opener = opener;

    private Form1 Opener { get; set; }

    private void SomeMethod() 
        this.Opener.UserName = "Tim";
        this.Opener.UserNameEditable = false;
    // ...

You need to pass the Form1 instance to the constructor of Form2 when you instantiate it. Another approach is to make the property Opener public and use that which suffers the disadvantage that you cannot be sure that it was set.

Another approach is using LINQ and Application.OpenForms which is elegant but error-prone:

var form1 = Application.OpenForms.OfType<Form1>().FirstOrDefault();
form1.UserName = "Tim";

Side-note: Form1 and Form2 are also crying for more meaningful names.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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